Tuli Can't Stop Talking

These are just my thoughts on contemporary issues and an attempt to open up a dialogue.

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Location: New York City

A citizen who cares deeply about the United States Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Abu to Shut Down Abramoff Case?

Steve Soto over at Left Coaster had a very cogent post Friday on connecting the dots.

I believe the key dot to connect in the latest DOJ scandal is USA Carol Lam and the Cunningham, CIA, and Appropriations Committee investigation. Because it is all connected folks: Guam, the Tobacco Case, the Purge of USA’s and Abramoff. When you see a pattern of actions one is tempted to think conspiracy to obstruct justice and possibly RICO! I have long thought that this administration is in line for a RICO indictment. I am not saying that past administrations haven’t engaged in nefarious behavior, they have, however it has never been, in my experience, so blatant. Why is it that this administration is convinced that it can engage in this behavior with impunity?

Talk about an administration that has so undermined the U.S. Constitution and the Rule of Law, and the horrific fact that the Fourth Estate has consistently failed to connect the dots. As to the average American and their reaction to what has been unfolding for the past seven years, the Mainstream Press is partly to blame. The Fourth Estate is protected by the First Amendment. And yet they have failed to uphold their part of the deal to hold the government to account for its actions and thus embrace the First Amendment. The facts are out there and the Mainstream Media, be it electronic or print, has an obligation to expose it. And it doesn’t appear they have. The latest on the USA’s purge is just one example. If it hadn’t been for the blogs this story would have been given short shrift. But once again Josh Marshall at TPM pushed it and he was right. And once the MSM started reporting on it the story took off and folks started to pay attention.

Now this doesn’t let the average American off the hook. The average American, a citizen, has a responsibility to be informed, if they vote that is and we know that not enough vote or participate in citizenship. That said, those that do vote have an obligation to be informed. Now I am not talking about just accepting what the administration’s stenographers put out. I am talking about critical thinking. I am appalled that those I know who have access to the internet consistently remain uniformed about what is happening in this country. It smacks of willful ignorance to me and a total lack of understanding as to the obligations inherent in what citizenship and patriotism entails.

And that is one of the things about the internet and the blogosphere’s attention to news which makes it so clear as to its value because there is an understanding as to what citizenship and patriotism entails. There is a plethora of folks who bring various expertise and voices to the discussion and point out various facts and inconsistencies that inform the debate on a subject. It is our obligation as citizens and patriots to know the facts and hold those in power to account.

So, as most of you know I often link to everything that I cite. Other than Steve Soto’s fabulous post at Left Coaster I am not going to give you all you need to know because I think that as a citizen and patriot you should go out there and find the information yourself. You owe it to yourself and America and the U.S. Constitution, if you care that is. All of the information is available to you on the internet which it appears you have access to. At the very least read Mr. Soto’s analysis.

Be informed, you’ll feel better in the morning!



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