In the Dark and Happy that Way!
Richard Cohen is an inside the beltway kind of guy. And apparently, he likes being a mushroom. In his online discussion on the WAPO today, while being grilled, he actually said:
Look, the public has a right to know and a right to honest public officials, but we recognize there has to be some area of gray, and you shouldn't permit prosecutors to prosecute everything that is technically or actually a crime. When, as I keep going back to over and over again, you ask yourself if Scooter Libby was lying -- about what? About not much.
Well, I guess you have to give it to him for actually going online with the discussion after the trashing he deservedly experienced for his “Free Scooter” column. And maybe he recognizes that there “… has to be some area of gray” and that prosecutors shouldn’t prosecute “… everything that is technically or actually a crime.” But he shouldn’t use the royal we when he talks about the public’s “right to know and right to honest public officials.” And does he really have to “… keep going back to over and over again, [to ask himself] if Scooter Libby was lying – about what?” If this is true, Richard Cohen’s “Hack Pundit License” should be pulled tout de suite as he is too dense and dumb to be allowed to hold and wield a sharpened pencil in public.
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