Tuli Can't Stop Talking

These are just my thoughts on contemporary issues and an attempt to open up a dialogue.

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Location: New York City

A citizen who cares deeply about the United States Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Response to Coulter

Ann Coulter’s appearance on the Today Show and her criticism of some of the 9/11 Widows has raised quite a storm in the MSM. The MSM is obviously late to this discussion and faux outrage. I don’t understand this as Coulter has always been outrageous, mean, nasty, and of course incoherent in her slandering and libeling anyone who doesn’t hew to the Dear Leader’s line of reasoning, not to mention her pension for being totally fact free.

So, it was with great timing, and comedy and life are all about timing, that Kathy Griffin was on the Today Show on the same day and later in the program.

Here is her take down of Coulter and the Today Show. She didn’t raise the obvious question which is why Coulter was given air time on a Major Network, though I think she was hinting at it, with the fact checking comment. What does NBC gain from having Coulter on the Today Show? We know Coulter, who may be a felon, gets publicity for her latest screed. But why exactly would NBC put this nut job on their show?

That is the real controversy, not what she says.


Blogger George said...

I could see why Coulter could be given a few minutes here and there on a stage to spew her indelible stupidity... but that would be to show how the lunatic fringe "sees" things... and this kind of..entertainment should've been over many years ago.

Coulter gets air time and rich book contracts because in spite of her offending ignorance she sells. She seems to be popular with millions of Americans who tune in to trash radio/tv and buy her books.

If, if, we trust Americans to judge her silly arguments, they I'd say any time the conservatives exhibit Coulter on the public stage, it would be a good thing for the rest of us. I mean, wouldn't it be a negative effect if anyone even appeared with Coulter let alone they would let her represent a political movement????!!!

4:29 PM  

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